Ocean Decade Laboratories | A Healthy and Resilient Ocean :”Ecosystem Services & Monitoring in Asia Pacific” (Asia Pacific Workshop on Healthy and Resilient Ocean focusing on Nature’s Contribution to People / Ecosystem Services and Ecosystem Monitoring)

The Asia-Pacific region is a region with a diverse relationship with the ocean. The region is a hotspot of biodiversity and cultural diversity, including the Coral Triangle area and island arc. However, research which integrative evaluation of ecosystems has not always been advanced. For this reason, it is essential to take a comprehensive approach to ecosystem assessment and human interaction.

The proposed session will be aimed at (1) enhancing the public awareness of ocean related ecosystem services / nature’s contribution to people(NCP) assessment and monitoring in this region, (2) deepening our understanding of the human nature relationships and the existing capacity of its measurability and predictability, (3) strengthening cooperation between and within the region and with global efforts, and (4) incubating a potential and existing programs and projects that especially related with Marine Life 2030 which is implemented as the Ocean Decade program.

(cited from JAMSTEC event page)